North Isa Project


Renegade owns 75% of the North Isa Project which is located directly north of the George Fisher mine and approximately 40km north of Mt Isa township and controls approximately 20km of the Western Fault. The Western Fault and associated faults host the historic Lady Agnes mine. The project straddles the thrust faulted Eastern Creek Volcanics (ECV) and Mt Isa Group sediment boundary with several existing copper mineral occurrences including the Lady Agnes copper mine which is located within an embayment along the faulted ECV/Mt Isa Group contact.

Historic exploration has been sporadic and disjointed with the faulted contact only recently coming under the control of one party, Burke Copper. This will enable a consistent and rigorous exploration program to assess and test the faulted ECV/Mt Isa Group contact and other associated structures of interest.

Figure 1: North Isa Project Permit Location with existing Prospects

Acquisition Details

Renegade has completed an Option Agreement with Burke to acquire up to a 75% interest in the North Isa Project on the following terms:

The North Isa Project is an exciting addition to Renegade’s growing Queensland footprint. The Queensland Government recently released its draft Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan (QRIDP) which seeks to create a strategy for the next thirty years to ensure continued sustainable growth in the resources sector. The QRIDP, in conjunction with recent State and Federal initiatives, provides added support to the strategy in Queensland being pursued by the Company.

Figure 2: Renegade Exploration Tenements Map


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